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Brock Township Fire Department Burn Permits

Apply for your online permit today.

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Don't forget to call!

Toll-free: 1-855-955-1101

Agricultural, Open-Air and Recreational Burning is permitted providing you have an approved 2025 Burn Permit. Please remember to call before you initiate a burn event. 1-855-955-1101

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I obtain a burn permit?

Register online using the Township of Brock website, or call us @ 705-432-2355.

What can I burn?

You are only permitted the burning of wood and wood by-products.

Do I need a permit?

If you want to have an open-air fire, recreational fire or an agricultural fire, then yes, you need an approved permit. If you are having a barbecue a permit is not required.

Do I need my landlords permission to obtain a burn permit?

Yes, if you rent the property where you want to burn your landlord must approve your burn permit before the permit can be activated.

Do I need to call the before I start burning?

Yes, you must call 1-855-955-1101 to initiate a burn event, prior to starting the burn.

When I enter my address, why does it say I am within a restricted zone?

There are three types of permits, all based on property size. Click "cancel" and return to "Select Permit Type" to select the correct permit type for your property. RB - Recreational Burn - permitted on all properties, including in urban areas of Brock. OAB - Open Air Burn - NOT permitted in urban areas. Only permitted in rural areas on properties with at least 1/2 acre of land. AP - Agricultural Permit - NOT permitted on any land other than agricultural land with at least 10 acres.

Can I purchase a permit for next year, before the current year is over?

No. You can only purchase a permit for the current year. If you apply for a permit in 2025, you will receive a 2025 permit. To apply for a 2026 permit, you must wait until January 1, 2026, otherwise you will be automatically generated a 2025 permit.

Why does my permit say the status is pending?

You may have a pending status for one of two reasons. 1. You rent the property and the owner has not provided permission to the Fire Department in writing. Have your landlord mail or email approval letter. Email: Fire@Brock.ca 2. You created a permit but have not made payment. Make payment to have your permit approved. When a permit is pending, burning is not permitted.

Why does it show the wrong property on the map when I enter my location?

To adjust your property location on the map, click on the red symbol and drag it to the correct location. The red symbol can be dragged and dropped as many times as necessary. You can zoom in and out on the map by using the controls in the bottom right corner.

Do I have to make payment online?

Payment can also be made in person, at the Administrative Building in Cannington. 1 Cameron Street E, Cannington, ON To make payment in Beaverton or Sunderland, contact the Fire Department to make arrangements.